金沢大学 薬物動態学研究室

Achievement 2022: Regular articles

1. Tomabechi R, Kishimoto H, Sato T, Kiyomiya K, Takada T, Higuchi K, Shirasaka Y, and Inoue K. SLC46A3 is a lysosomal proton-coupled steroid conjugate and bile acid transporter involved in transport of active catabolites of T-DM1. PNAS Nexus. 1(3):1-11 (2022).

2. Shirasaka Y, Seki M, Hatakeyama M, Kurokawa Y, Uchiyama H, Takemura M, Yasugi Y, Kishimoto H, Tamai I, Wang J, and Inoue K. Multiple transport mechanisms involved in the intestinal absorption of metformin: impact on the nonlinear absorption kinetics. J Pharm Sci. 111(5):1531-1541 (2022).

3. Funai Y, Takemura M, Inoue K, and Shirasaka Y. Effect of ingested fluid volume and solution osmolality on intestinal drug absorption: impact on drug interaction with beverages. Eur J Pharm Sci. 172:106136 (2022).

4. Arakawa H, Nagao Y, Nedachi S, Shirasaka Y, Tamai I, Evaluation of Platinum Anticancer Drug-Induced Kidney Injury in Primary Culture of Rat Kidney Tissue Slices by Using Gas-Permeable Plates. Biological and Pharmaceutical Bulletin. 45(3):316-322 (2022).

5. Shirasaka Y, Seki M, Hatakeyama M, Kurokawa Y, Uchiyama H, Takemura M, Yasugi Y, Kishimoto H, Tamai I, Wang J, Inoue K, Multiple Transport Mechanisms Involved in the Intestinal Absorption of Metformin: Impact on the Nonlinear Absorption Kinetics. Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences. 111(5):1531-1541 (2022).

6. Kadoguchi M, Arakawa H, Honda R, Hotta K, Shirasaka Y, Deguchi Y, Tamai I, Characterization of Aripiprazole Uptake Transporter in the Blood-Brain Barrier Model hCMEC/D3 Cells by Targeted siRNA Screening. Pharmaceutical Research. 39(7):1549-1559 (2022).

7. Konno S, Kobayashi K, Senda M. Funai Y, Seki Y, Tamai I, Schäkel L, Sakata K, Pillaiyar T, Taguchi A, Taniguchi A, Gütschow M, Müller C, Takeuchi K, Hirohama M, Kawaguchi A, Kojima M, Senda T, Shirasaka Y, Kamitani W, and Hayashi Y. 3CL protease inhibitors with an electrophilic arylketone moiety as anti-SARS-CoV-2 agents. J Med Chem. 65(4):2926-2939 (2022).

2018 International Meeting on 22nd MDO and 33rd JSSX

