- 2024/06/10
- 創薬科学類生 1名、薬学類生 2名 研究室に配属されました.
- 2024/04/01
- 第18回次世代を担う若手のための医療薬科学シンポジウム開催のお知らせ(クリックで学会HPにジャンプします)。当研究室の白坂准教授が組織委員長となって、第18回次世代を担う若手のための医療薬科学シンポジウム(2024年10月3日~4日の2日間)を開催することとなりました。 皆様のご参加をお待ちしています。
- 2024/02/16
- Pharmacology & Therapeuticsに総説が採択されました. Wen et al., "Uric acid in health and disease: From physiological functions to pathogenic mechanisms."
- 2023/12/29
- J Pharm Sciに論文が採択されました. Sugiyama et al., "The Use of Carboxyfluorescein Reveals the Transport Function of MCT6/SLC16A5 Associated with CD147 as a Chloride-Sensitive Organic Anion Transporter in Mammalian Cells."
- 2023/12/12
- Biopharm Drug Disposに論文が採択されました. Yasugi et al., "Quantitative analysis of the impact of membrane permeability on intestinal first-pass metabolism of CYP3A substrates"
- 2023/11/16
- Mol Pharmに論文が採択されました. Kiyomiya et al., "Macrolide and Ketolide Antibiotics Inhibit the Cytotoxic Effect of Trastuzumab Emtansine in HER2-Positive Breast Cancer Cells: Implication of a Potential Drug-ADC Interaction in Cancer Chemotherapy"
- 2023/11/14
- Biol Pharm Bullに論文が採択されました. Takemura et al., "Magnitude of Fruit Juice-Drug Interactions Due to Osmolality-Dependent Fluid Secretion: Differences among Apple, Orange, and Grapefruit Juices."
- 2023/10/14
- Scientific Reportsに論文が採択されました. Funai et al., "Quantitative analysis of gastrointestinal fluid absorption and secretion to estimate luminal fluid dynamics in rats"
- 2023/10/13
- J Stroke Cerebrovasc Disに論文が採択されました. Sumiya et al., "Association between switching prescribed drugs for lower urinary tract symptoms and independence of urination in post-stroke patients: A retrospective cohort study"
- 2023/08/29
- Drug Metabolism & Dispositionに論文が採択されました. Fujita et al., "Potentiation of the Uricosuric Effect of Dotinurad by Trans-Inhibition of the Uric Acid Reabsorptive Transporter URAT1."
- 2023/07/19
- Communications Biologyに論文が採択されました. Arakawa, Nakazono et al., "Induction of open-form bile canaliculus formation by hepatocytes for evaluation of biliary drug excretion."
- 2023/06/29
- Drug Metabolism & Disposに論文が採択されました. Ishiguro et al., "Improvement of protein expression profile in three-dimensional renal proximal tubular epithelial cell spheroids selected based on OAT1 gene expression: a potential in vitro tool for evaluating human."
- 2023/05/02
- Food & Functionに論文が採択されました. Zhu et al., "Apple juice relieves loperamide-induced constipation in rats by downregulating the intestinal apical sodium-dependent bile acid transporter ASBT."
- 2023/04/25
- Drug Metabolism and Pharmacokineticsに論文が採択されました. Usui et al., "Apple-derived extracellular vesicles modulate the expression of human intestinal bile acid transporter ASBT/SLC10A2 via downregulation of transcription factor RARα."
- 2023/04/20
- The AAPS Journal に論文が採択されました. Suzuki et al., "Quantitative Analysis of Gastrointestinal Water Dynamics by Means of a Physiologically Based Fluid Kinetic Model."
- 2023/04/01
- 創薬科学類生 4名、薬学類生 3名 研究室に配属されました.
- 2023/03/22
- 学位記伝達式が執り行われました.
- 2023/03/01
- Molecular Pharmacologyに論文が採択されました. Miyazaki et al., "The Glycosylated N-Terminal Domain of MUC1 Is Involved in Chemoresistance by Modulating Drug Permeation Across the Plasma Membrane."
- 2023/02/01
- Drug Metabolism and Pharmacokineticsに論文が採択されました. Kambayashi and Shirasaka., "The Glycosylated N-Terminal Domain of MUC1 Is Involved in Chemoresistance by Modulating Drug Permeation Across the Plasma Membrane."
- 2023/01/30
- Pharmaceuticsに論文が採択されました. Sato et al., "Biological Distribution after Oral Administration of Radioiodine-Labeled Acetaminophen to Estimate Gastrointestinal Absorption Function via OATPs, OATs, and/or MRPs."
- 2023/01/02
- Molecular Pharmaceuticsに論文が採択されました. Tomabechi et al., "Identification of 5-Carboxyfluorescein as a Probe Substrate of SLC46A3 and Its Application in a Fluorescence-Based In Vitro Assay Evaluating the Interaction with SLC46A3."
- 2022/12/29
- Frontiers in Pharmacologyに論文が採択されました. Sato et al., "A single high-dose irradiation changes accumulation of methotrexate and gene expression levels of SLC and ABC transporters in cancer cells."
- 2022/05/20
- PNAS Nexusに論文が採択されました. Tomabechi et al., "SLC46A3 is a lysosomal proton-coupled steroid conjugate and bile acid transporter involved in transport of active catabolites of T-DM1."
- 2022/05/01
- Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciencesに論文が採択されました. Shirasaka et al., "Multiple Transport Mechanisms Involved in the Intestinal Absorption of Metformin: Impact on the Nonlinear Absorption Kinetics."
- 2022/05/01
- European Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciencesに論文が採択されました. Funai et al., "Effect of ingested fluid volume and solution osmolality on intestinal drug absorption: Impact on drug interaction with beverages."
- 2022/04/01
- 創薬科学類生 4名、薬学類生 2名、博士課程(薬学専攻) 1名 研究室に配属されました.
- 2022/03/22
- 学位記伝達式が執り行われました.
- 2022/03/03
- Pharmaceutical Researchに論文が採択されました. Kadoguchi et al., "Characterization of Aripiprazole Uptake Transporter in the Blood-Brain Barrier Model hCMEC/D3 Cells by Targeted siRNA Screening."
- 2022/02/24
- Journal of Medicinal Chemistryに論文が採択されました. Konno et al., "3CL Protease Inhibitors with an Electrophilic Arylketone Moiety as Anti-SARS-CoV-2 Agents."
- 2022/01/07
- Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciencesに論文が採択されました. Shirasaka et al., "Multiple Transport Mechanisms Involved in the Intestinal Absorption of Metformin: Impact on the Nonlinear Absorption Kinetics."
- 2021/12/24
- Pharmaceuticsに論文が採択されました. Kobayashi et al., "Biological Distribution of Orally Administered [123I]MIBG for Estimating Gastrointestinal Tract Absorption."
- 2021/12/23
- Biological and Pharmaceutical Bulletinに論文が採択されました. Arakawa et al., "Evaluation of Platinum Anticancer Drug-Induced Kidney Injury in Primary Culture of Rat Kidney Tissue Slices by Using Gas-Permeable Plates."
- 2021/10/01
- Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communicationsに論文が採択されました. Wen et al., "CD38 activation by monosodium urate crystals contributes to inflammatory responses in human and murine macrophages."
- 2021/07/18
- Pharmaceutical Researchに論文が採択されました. Suzuki et al., "Model Analysis of the Apparent Saturation Kinetics of Purine Nucleobase Uptake in Cells co-Expressing Transporter and Metabolic Enzyme."
- 2021/06/10
- Journal of Pharmaceutical Health Care and Sciencesに論文が採択されました. Takemura et al., "Influence of osmolality on gastrointestinal fluid volume and drug absorption: potential impact on oral salt supplementation."
- 2021/06/01
- Drug Metabolism & Dispositionに論文が採択されました. Komori et al., "MicroRNAs in Apple-Derived Nanoparticles Modulate Intestinal Expression of Organic Anion-Transporting Peptide 2B1/ SLCO2B1 in Caco-2 Cells."
- 2021/05/01
- Biological and Pharmaceutical Bulletinに論文が採択されました. Nakazono, Arakawa et al., "Drug Transcellular Transport Assay Using a High Porosity Honeycomb Film."
- 2021/04/12
- Journal of Medicinal Chemistryに論文が採択されました. Konno et al., "3CL Protease Inhibitors with an Electrophilic Arylketone Moiety as Anti-SARS-CoV-2 Agents."
- 2021/02/18
- Drug Metabolism & Dispositionに論文が採択されました. Cai et al., "Identification of Triterpene Acids in Poria cocos Extract as Bile Acid Uptake Transporter Inhibitors."
- 2021/02/17
- Pharmaceutical Researchに論文が採択されました. Arai et al., "Uptake Pathway of Apple-derived Nanoparticle by Intestinal Cells to Deliver its Cargo."
- 2020/11/25
- Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciencesに論文が採択されました. Zhu et al., "A Novel Fluorescence-Based Method to Evaluate Ileal Apical Sodium-Dependent Bile Acid Transporter ASBT."
- 2020/09/28
- Nuclear Medicine and Biologyに論文が採択されました. Kobayashi et al., "[131I] MIBG exports via MRP transporters and inhibition of the MRP transporters improves accumulation of [131I] MIBG in neuroblastoma."
- 2020/08/20
- Toxicology and Applied Pharmacologyに論文が採択されました. Nakanishi et al., "Toxicological implication of prostaglandin transporter SLCO2A1 inhibition by cigarette smoke in exacerbation of lung inflammation."
- 2020/08/19
- Biological and Pharmaceutical Bulletinに論文が採択されました. Arakawa et al., "Renal Reabsorptive Transport of Uric Acid Precursor Xanthine by URAT1 and GLUT9."
- 2020/08/18
- Drug Metabolism and Pharmacokineticsに論文が採択されました. Liu et al., " Post-transcriptional regulation of OATP2B1 transporter by a microRNA, miR-24."
- 2020/06/22
- Drug Metabolism and Pharmacokineticsに論文が採択されました. Wada et al., "Mathematical modeling analysis of hepatic uric acid disposition using human sandwich-cultured hepatocytes."
- 2020/04/30
- オンライン歓迎会
- 2020/04/27
- iScienceに論文が採択されました. Inagaki et al., "Contribution of prostaglandin transporter OATP2A1/SLCO2A1 to placenta-to-maternal hormone signaling and labor induction."
- 2020/04/01
- 白坂 善之 准教授が着任されました.
- 2020/04/01
- 創薬科学類生 4名、薬学類生 3名、博士課程(薬学専攻) 3名 研究室に配属されました.
- 2020/03/22
- 学位記伝達式が執り行われました.
- 2020/03/10
- Molecular pharmaceuticsに論文が採択されました. Hirayama et al., "Identification of the Uptake Transporter Responsible for Distribution of Acotiamide into Stomach Tissue."
- 2019/11/22
- 山窓会開催情報を更新しました
- 2019/11/13
- 第28回山窓会 会場アクセスをアップしました
- 2019/10/28
- Scientific Reportsに論文が採択されました. Kobayashi et al., "Imaging of hepatic drug transporters with [131I]6-β-iodomethyl-19-norcholesterol."
- 2019/10/28
- Scientific Reportsに論文が採択されました. Ishii et al., "Identification of the Catechin Uptake Transporter Responsible for Intestinal Absorption of Epigallocatechin Gallate in Mice."
- 2019/09/14
- 第28回山窓会を2019年11月23日に開催します.
- 2019/04/05
- Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciencesに論文が採択されました. Arakawa et al., "Rat Kidney Slices for Evaluation of Apical Membrane Transporters in Proximal Tubular Cells."
- 2019/04/05
- PLoS Oneに論文が採択されました. Nishizawa et al., "Changes of drug pharmacokinetics mediated by downregulation of kidney organic cation transporters Mate1 and Oct2 in a rat model of hyperuricemia."
- 2019/04/01
- 中西猛夫先生がご栄転されました.